Document Digitization : Top 7 Benefits of Digitizing Real-Time Data

Industries are utilizing this document digitization process to transform their businesses to be more cost-effective. As per leftronic report 90% of industries are doing business in the cloud. As they transfer more data to the cloud, the thing that is being done is to recreate existing services in a digital format.

Manufacturers are moving to a new perspective of operating workflows, communicating, record-keeping and scheduling; one that is driven by digital technology: Paperless manufacturing process

By removing paper documents in a paper-based system, manufacturing operations can now optimize their business processes and can take decisions in real-time without printing on paper.

Here are Top 7 benefits manufacturers can take once their operations become digitized:

1. Productivity

In entirely digitized manufacturing operation data can be easily accessed by various departments within the business at the same time. Data is gathered from machines, people and systems, then monitored in the cloud. This will help operators and managers to have actual machine production conditions and performance at their fingertips.

In-built dashboards and production report on Pareto charts and customized reporting enable operators to take decisions based on digital data and analysis they earlier had access to reading and understanding paper and manually created documents. This entire digitized process will save time that was previously spent with paper, designing a direct connection between staff as well as machines that allows them to operate more productively.

Digitized documents are also more productive for managers as well as technicians. It enables them to access the current machine state by job, hour, operator, or globally and make decisions rapidly. Now, with digital real-time data capture, managers can take decisions based on what is happening right now.

2. Data Security and Accuracy

Due to digitization the access to digital data is simple to define. Digital access not only minimizes the time needed to provide access but also makes it feasible to define the availability level. This improves data security and saves you from data leaks.

In complex manufacturing environments where paper systems need categorization of data, many data points are misclassified due to operator mistake.

By leveraging the run state of the equipment at the source of the data generation, there is no requirement to log the data manually and no requirement to print it on paper. The data digitization in manufacturing removes those errors by gathering, classifying the data at the machine end.

Today, many OEM equipment comes with data capture enclosed and is easily accessible for wireless or Ethernet collection. We can say that these methods of data capture assure that errors earlier caused by human error in a paper-based system are eliminated.

3. Resolve Issues Faster

As managers and team members started to recognize trouble areas on the floor, constant improvement activities can resolve real issues recognized as they occur. Where paper-based systems had been in place, digital data capture now assists to recognize equipment utilization concerns, highlight training insufficiency and thoroughly complex procedures with precise information.

Manufacturers now can leverage machine monitoring software to monitor production, efficiency, downtime etc. When you access the digitized data, it becomes simple for you to find different records immediately. You can quickly run analytical diagnosis which can give important insights.

4. Executing Operations in Real-time

The digital revolution has changed the way companies operate. In built screens and human-machine interface systems now available where shop floors were frequently messed up with paper, files as well as job tickets. These interfaces and all the equipment operations are leveraged, monitored & delivered for utilization in real-time.

With the help of Real-time data and analytics, managers can easily track order status, inventory and other information related to business processes easily. It also means that managers can see this analysis at the machine, department, or factory level to assure the completion of jobs and that tends to delivery of products on time.

With digitization, alerts for concerns or bottlenecks can be automatically recognized and instantly sent to those who can make the decisions to minimize downtime and other quality parameters.

5. Cost Reduction

Digitization of documents allows an industry to stay away from papers  that utilize several resources likewise office space, security personnel and deteriorate-free environment.

Once the entire data is digitized we can easily optimize such resources for cost savings.It is obvious that for any industry, going paperless means that the cost of the actual paper, storage, as well as handling are all removed, which leads to saving of huge operational cost. This will automatically improve productivity, operation in real-time and better process optimization. Along with that Schedules, inventory management and other functional areas can execute quicker and with more belief because of the quality of the data.

Decisions are made when required most and are no longer bound to a printed report that must make its way via the production chain. This means that the insights are instantly actionable, reserving time, minimizing quality fallout, clearing up compliance and engineering concerns and saving costs of waiting or creating replacements.

6. Easy Accessibility

Document digitization allows an industry to access the data in the digital form from anywhere, which stops the hurdles of location, time and synchronized access. Easy accessibility of information includes the data flow within the industry, resulting in improved productivity.

Advanced data leverage capacity and analytics also means that consent can be automated too. Just as high-value parts require distinct levels of approval, they may also be concern to severe compliance validation.With digitization, compliance, like engineering modifications, can be automated without requirement of document or paper.

7. Increased Collaboration

By automating entire processes electronically, communication enables for collaboration straight away from the manufacturing floor to engineering, compliance, scheduling, inventory control, as well as management.

It also generates huge transparency enabling increased communication and collaboration across the industry. As each team member has easy access to the same up-to-date data, their tasks are instantly updated to the entire system. Operations are more resilient, yet they can continue to execute because no one is waiting on a signed document to proceed with further operations.

Hiotron provides a huge range of solutions, including machine monitoring, predictive maintenance and process optimization applications for any distinct manufacturing environment. We have a team of experts who can help you to find out how you can start a digital journey in manufacturing and improve profitability.